Lately, there’s been a lot of coverage about the potential of Millennials to make some serious change in the world. While the Millennial generation definitely has the ability to change the way we do a lot of things, the youngest generation, Gen Z, certainly shouldn’t be overlooked.
For that reason, PopUp Play is starting a brand new initiative to highlight some of Generation Z’s best and brightest. Want to participate? It’s easy! All you have to do is send us your stories and photos of your child getting creative, inventive or just having fun. Has your child created a masterpiece out of their playhouse? Or created their very own rocketship? Whatever it may be, we want to see it! Tag us on Facebook or Twitter or email us at!
Bill Ritchie, ThinkFun co-founder, attributes the “power to save the world” to the kids of Generation Z, citing that they’re independent, entrepreneurial and genuinely interested in “educational” toys that older generations have previously viewed as dull and boring.
To be fair, educational toys have come a long way from the days when math timetable cards were supposed to be “fun.” Now, Gen Z kids can learn from virtually every game they play, from web games to tablet apps, like the Build Lab.
What’s even more cool: Gen Z kids actually enjoy learning.
Back to our Build Lab, for example. While designing their own playhouse is definitely a “fun” task to kids (just ask yours!), an additional element of excitement can be found in discovering what all they can do with the structure. Kids are actively learning what manipulating the structure of a playhouse looks like when they design electronically.
Even more, some of PopUp Play’s fans have told us that one of their kiddos’ favorite parts of the Build Lab experience was setting up their playhouse. Kids have the chance to build their very own playhouses from a few pieces of fiberboard, and fitting together the different tabs is like a giant, life-sized puzzle for them.
They’re not only interested in how things are built, though. Gen Z kids have an overwhelming common goal in mind: to be their own boss and pave their own way in the world. According to a recent survey, 72% of Gen Z respondents listed “entrepreneurship” as their preferred career choice.
Our kids are ambitious, excited and ready to make some serious change in how things have been done for the last few decades.
Because we think Generation Z kids are so awesome, we wanted to highlight a few of them. Do you have a kiddo who’s an exceptional playhouse builder, master maker or budding businessperson? We want to know! Tag us on Facebook or Twitter @PopUpPlayToy or send your photos to for a chance to win some fun prizes and be featured on our website!